Art Studio
Art Studio offers small classes with individual attention and large, well-equipped studio facilities, including a computer lab and a foundry.
In studio courses, students learn processes and strategies used in creating works of art in various media through problem solving assignments and accompanying instruction. Students are given the opportunity at the upper division level to concentrate on a particular studio area in depth, allowing them to prepare a portfolio for further professional opportunities or for postgraduate study.
The studio concentration offers small classes with individual attention and large, well-equipped studio facilities, including a computer lab and a foundry. In studio courses, students learn processes and strategies used in creating works of art in various media through problem solving assignments and accompanying instruction. Students are given the opportunity at the upper division level to concentrate on a particular studio area in depth, allowing them to prepare a portfolio for further professional opportunities or for post-graduate study
Art Studio Requirements
Areas of Focus
Cal Poly Humboldt's Ceramics program is designed to give students the experience and skills needed to express themselves in every aspect of the medium. Beginning and Intermediate Ceramic courses focus on developing basic forming and glazing skills at both high and low temperatures.
Digital Arts + Graphic Design
The Digital Arts + Graphic Design area promotes new media and technology as tools for creative problem solving and artistic expression. Our program emphasizes experimentation, creative thinking, and diverse applications of research and visual communication with a focus on a technology based approach.
Drawing and Painting
Integral to the art curriculum, drawing is one of the most important areas within our department. By developing a strong foundation in drawing, students engage in a process fundamental to many other studio disciplines. Our drawing program offers students an exciting and diverse balance of styles and techniques.
Jewelry & Small Metals
The Jewelry and Small Metals program provides a strong technical, historical and aesthetic education, blended with creative thinking and artistic problem solving. Students concentrate on the thinking and creating, of wearable jewelry, conceptual work, functional and non- functional objects and small-scale sculpture.
Cal Poly Humboldt offers photography students the opportunity to master all aspects of the photographic process–from traditional darkroom black and white photography to color digital imaging.
The printmaking program offers beginning through advanced instruction in a variety of processes: relief (woodcut, linocut, wood engraving), intaglio (etching, drypoint), planographic (waterless and stone lithography) and screen print (photo-silkscreen). Students receive a thorough grounding in print fundamentals.
Cal Poly Humboldt's sculpture program gives students the tools to transform ideas into tangible three-dimensional form. From small, intimate objects to large, public sculptures, students develop the skills necessary to fabricate, carve, model and cast their own artistic vision.